28 March 2024 to 26 May 2024

"Répliques presents a new body of work examining the points of origin of our contemporary language in relation to the world of image production."

Featuring photographic, video and pictorial works, as well as recontextualized objects, this installation by Simon S. Belleau's installation freely explores the idea of reproduction, value and originality of what we create" in an era when "origin" is less and less locatable. The title, moreover, refers to the polysemy of the word replica, which designates both a copy of something and the dialogue exchanged on stage or screen".

This artist and filmmaker is based between Montreal and Rome and "borrows tropes from theater and photo direction that he uses in his work in sculpture, installation, painting and video." Fascinated by what is seen in politics, as well as in performance, both on stage and behind the scenes, he offers a topical philosophical reflection on our times.

N.B.: Schedules and more details can be found directly on the company's website.

Photo: Fonderie Darling

For the complete schedule and program, visit the official event website.