31.12.1969 – 31.12.1969


L'idée de l'Égypte et la Renaissance italienne - Pointe-à-Callière Museum

L'idée de l'Égypte et la Renaissance italienne - Pointe-à-Callière Museum

31.12.1969 – 31.12.1969

Among the most fervent admirers of ancient Egypt, we find the thinkers, artists, politicians but also quidams of the Italian Renaissance. Between demonization and glorification, from palaces of popes and rulers to taverns and houses of prostitution, discover how ancient Egypt influenced, marked, and jostled the Italian society of the time.The conference is held in partnership with the Italian Institute of Culture. Free entrance, reservation on CanaDon.org

Maison-des-Marins, 165 Place d'Youville, Montreal, QC, Canada

Phone Number: (514) 872-9150