Old-Montréal is a unique neighbourhood and must-see destination that is in constant motion. It owes this status to its historic character, combined with a close-knit community of people. Bursting with life in the summer, the historic neighborhood assumes a whole new veneer of attractions as winter begins and Canada lives up to its name as the Great White North. But it’s not any less beautiful in the snowy season! On the contrary, it gains a unique and welcoming shine, that makes for some unforgettable experiences. Between the light of day and those illuminating the town at night, it’s a new way of life waiting to be discovered; a setting out of a fairy tail, just waiting to be explored.
Thanks to a significant three-year investment of 750,000 $ from the district of Ville-Marie that was announced in 2018 in the aims of improving and restoring the lighting in the historic district for the cold season, Old-Montréal has been able to deploy the first round of new lighting last year. In year two, stunning light displays targeting rues McGill and Notre Dame West, still themed around the Tree of Life, have been added to the fixtures on rues Saint-Paul and de la Commune in Winter 2018 — same as in Place Jacques-Cartier Committed to offering quality real estate that coheres with the historical character and architecture of the neighbourhood, the Old-Montréal SDC has assisted in formalizing the artistic direction for new structures.“It was essential for us to give a unique signature to Old-Montréal in the winter, something that significantly sets it apart, and perfectly integrates into the historic context of the historic neighbourhood. Still themed after the Tree of Life motif, our now well-known backlit logo sits looking out over the Place d’Armes. » mentions Mario Lafrance, general manager of the Old-Montréal SDC.This investment by the district of Ville-Marie, in support of the SDC’s neighbourhood, will allow them to offer an invaluable loss leader that will undoubtedly liven up the visitor experience during the winter season. The collective businesses, as well as the residents in the neighbourhood, will all benefit.
In addition to the project stages and investments related to the new light display installations to the neighbourhood, the 2nd running of the Old-Montréal Lights in the Storefronts contest, held by Radio-Canada, is going to be bigger and better this December! It was created as an organic and supplementary way of integrating the business sector into the winter campaign. In total, close to 100 businesses in Old-Montréal have answered the call of this friendly contest in order to determine this year’s most beautiful holiday window display. The newest running is taking place this December, from the 2nd to the 30th on Radio-Canada’s Ici les Fêtes platform. Here, the voting public could possibly win 1,000 $ in prizes to be used in Old-Montréal!
All the détails can be found here: https://ici.radio-canada.ca/ici-les-fetes/concours-vieux-montreal
Besides the sparkling storefront windows, you will find yourself dreaming about all the other deals you will find in the business district this season! « While this campaign does extend all the way to mid-January, the Old-Montréal SDC of course wants to take advantage of the number of holidays in December and show everyone what there is to see and do, show off the festive activities and special menus, gift suggestions, and everything else! So we set up an Advent Calendar and created a lot of content in order to present the maximum amount of businesses and suggestions for some unforgettable moments in our neighbourhood during the holidays,” says Fannie Pratt, marketing director of the Old-Montréal SDC.
Because this neighbourhood wouldn’t be what it is without the people who live and work in it, the Lights in Old-Montréal campaign has included a little something extra for them this year. Gatherings and neighbourly activités will be offered, portraits of entrepreneurs will be unveiled, special offers have been set up... in short: community sentiment will not be in short supply this winter! The Gens du Vieux come together, share amongst one another, display themselves, and are coming out in droves to show their love for the Vieux. To learn more, follow the content and details over the Lights in Old-Montréal campaign on our Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as at Vieuxmontreal.ca/lumieresurlevieuxmontreal If you’re a worker, entrepreneur, or resident of the neighbourhood, and you’re ready to discover the above-mentioned special offers, contests, happenings, and promotions, you may also now follow the Facebook group Gens du Vieux.