
24.02.2024 – 31.12.2024


Embodied Spaces: Experience Art at the PHI Centre

Embodied Spaces: Experience Art at the PHI Centre

24.02.2024 – 31.12.2024

As part of "Embodied Spaces", the PHI Centre organizes performances and encounters between artists and the public, a powerful and unique way to experience the emotions that art brings us. Two days a month, experience these creative incursions as a ‘’performance to reflect on the time, space and interaction with an audience within the architectural framework and operations of the Centre. A space where fiction comes to life right in front of you in an attempt to formulate the human condition without explanation.’’, all led by local artists.

eXplo Group (Partnership) March 23 and 24, from 1 pm to 5 pm:


The eXplo Labs are an opportunity to discover up-and-coming artists and ‘’innovative ideas, which sometimes find it hard to find a place in contemporary programming.’’ This Labos eXplo presentation includes 3 separate performances by artists Laura Côté-Bilodeau, Rozenn Lecomte and Olivier Charron & Charbel Hachem.

Winnie Superhova, April 27 and 28, from 2 pm to 6 pm:


Originally from Hong Kong and now based in Montreal, Winnie Ho is an interdisciplinary dance performance artist and curator. Her work currently explores ‘’notions of grief, pleasure and play as both a ceremonial practice and a public performance’’, through dance, sculpture and immersive experiences.

N.B.: Schedules and more details can be found directly on the company's website.

Photo: PHI Centre

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